The Dark Secret Behind Grocery Store Rotisserie Chicken

How is it possible that rotisserie chicken is so reasonably priced? If you suspect foul play, there is a possibility that you are correct.

If you want to cut costs in the kitchen, one of the oldest pieces of advice that has been passed down through the ages is to avoid buying prepared foods and instead prepare meals from scratch. This is true for a batch of brownies (39 cents for homemade but more than $2 for a boxed mix), cut fruit (pineapple is only $2.75 per pound compared to $4.28 if it’s precut), and especially for ready-to-eat meals, which tend to cost roughly twice as much as the supplies you need to prepare them. A boxed mix of brownies costs more than $2. However, there is one food item to which this guideline does not apply, and that is rotisserie chicken.

raw chicken meat on brown wooden chopping board

You read it correctly: at the majority of supermarkets, a full, raw chicken will set you back a greater sum of money than its roasted counterpart will. Putting money savings aside, it seems like a much better deal for any busy shopper to invest in a finished dinner — one that does not need to be cleaned, stuffed, seasoned, or roasted at home. This is because finished dinners do not require any of these steps. So why do rotisserie chickens come in at such a low price?

roasted chicken on white ceramic plate

It has come to our attention that there is a mystery surrounding your pre-roasted poultry. According to an article that was recently released by the educational television channel KCET in California, the golden and juicy rotisserie chickens that are offered in grocery shops are frequently raw chickens that were not sold and are on their way to being thrown away. Grocery stores make less money on the chickens since they are sold at a lower price than they would on raw birds, but they make a significant amount more money than they would if they threw the chickens away. We have compiled a list of the top rotisserie chickens that can be purchased at grocery stores.

grilled meat on black round plate

It is not uncommon for grocery retailers to repurpose products that were not sold. In order to reduce the amount of food that is wasted, supermarket advisers have confessed that vegetables and meat are frequently added to prepackaged salads and deli products. Even rotisserie birds that don’t sell get cut up and tossed into a chicken salad with a creamy dressing.

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