The richness of the broth and meat provides the ideal foundation for any desired vegetables and level of spice.
You are just as content with a simple classic, particularly considering how much you enjoy comfort food.
A large plate of buffalo wings will satisfy your cravings and keep the evening's conversation continuing with your friends.
A portion of decadent chocolate cake is precisely the type of indulgence you desire.
Your radiant vitality and fiery personality cause you to be the center of attention wherever you go.
Packed platter of chips and queso, accompanied by a few close pals and a margarita (or two!) is the perfect spicy treat.
You believe that the finest meals are those that you prepare and share with loved ones.
Akin to a plate of enchiladas, your unwavering loyalty conceals many layers, much like your rugged exterior.
You enjoy attempting new things, which has resulted in an appreciation for international culture and cuisine.
People call you a workaholic, and while it is true that you aspire for success, there is more to you than money.
Hot chocolate chip cookies are so delicious that only a glass of cold milk is required to appreciate them.
This simple yet decadent dish is bursting with flavor, affection, and a side of seafood that reminds you of your beloved place: the ocean.